Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gasconade County, Missouri Residents, Do You Know the Meaning of Gasconade ?

Fredericksburg Ferry, Gasconade River, Gasconade County.     May 2010

Posted by Dave
Jan. 31, 2011

Community Comment

A Word A Day — gasconade

Do you wish to travel, but don't want TSA groping you or taking your unclothed picture? Well, you've come to the right place. With this week's words we'll take you to Europe. We'll explore words derived from the names of places, and the places we'll visit are Italy, Greece, and France. We'll even travel back in time and visit Ancient Greece, making three stops to pick up words along the way.



noun: Boastful talk.
verb intr.
: To boast extravagantly.

From French gasconnade, from gasconner (to boast), after Gascon, a native of the Gascony region in France. First recorded use: 1709.

Were people from Gascony full of boast and bravado? Not necessarily. Historical rivalries lead one people to generalize others' names as having some shortcoming and some of those names become part of the language. Other examples of such words are solecism solecism, Boeotian, and fescennine.

“Stanley Hauerwas's explanation is not appreciated in an era of instant broadcast and electronic gasconade.”
Irony at UVa; The Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia); Aug 2, 2010.

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1 comment:

  1. Have you ever taken your honey over the Fredericksburg Ferry to dine at the River's Edge Restaurant? A must for Valentine's Day!
