Monday, January 24, 2011

John Bates 85, Holds Wii Bowling Record 2,850 Perfect Games, Retired High School Principal Wisconsin


85-year-old man holds Wii bowling record

Associated Press
January 24, 2011

ONALASKA, Wis. (AP) -- When it comes to video games, 85-year-old John Bates has got it all over the kids. He now has the Guinness World Record for the most perfect games of Wii Sports Bowling. The retired Wisconsin high school principal recorded 2,850 perfect games from April 2009 through October 2010. He says he started playing Wii bowling at a friend's house at the end of 2008. He has an advantage over most players, because he's ambidextrous and plays with either hand. The Guinness people say Bates doesn't confine his bowling to the electronic variety. He's also a regular in a bowling league.
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