Saturday, January 15, 2011

Missouri Gasconade County 2011 budget nearly finalized $132,875 “to the good right now”


County’s 2011 budget nearly finalized, public inspection scheduled Jan. 18

12 January 2011  Dave Marner

Gasconade County’s 2011 operating budget will undergo any final changes Thursday when commissioners meet at 8:30 a.m. in Hermann. County Clerk Lesa Lietzow said Monday the budget was reworked slightly that morning  during a scheduled workshop.
Meeting this past Thursday in at Owensville City Hall, Lietzow told the commissioners that anticipated sales tax revenues for 2011 have been lowered from a high of $830,000 to $825,000. The county received $819,000 in sales taxes in 2010 when they had budgeted for only $800,000. She noted the “biggest boost in expenses” was their decision late last year to pay for the increases in employee health insurance coverage.
She told commissioners their General Revenue budget for 2011 shows $132,875 “to the good right now” when comparing what was actually spent in 2010 to what was requested for 2011. “It works,” she said. “It’s amazing.”
Lietzow said each department was made aware of the need for continued diligence in spending and noted many of the discretionary funds had taken a hit last year as each office attempted to stretch what money was available.
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