Friday, January 7, 2011

Money and Markets - Investments for 2011 VIDEOS


Investment Ideas for 2011

The verdict on 2010 is not yet in. Economic data improved as the year went on, and the stock market showed strength that was surprising to many investors, but whether 2010 will ultimately be viewed as the beginning of a turnaround in the U.S. economy or an aberration will largely depend on what happens in 2011. So on this episode of Money and Markets TV, the Weiss Research editors look ahead over the next 12 months, and offer their best investment ideas for playing the markets.
Nilus Mattive tells income investors how to best protect their money using dividend-paying stocks. And for more adventurous investors, Sean Brodrick and Rudy Martin reveal their favorite plays among natural resource stocks and emerging markets, respectively. Plus, a round table of experts discuss whether the historic bull market in commodities will keep charging through 2011, or whether it’s run its course.




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