Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Out On DVD - The Last Exorcism (2010) VIDEO TRAILER


The Last Exorcism (2010)

Preacher Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) started preaching very young, his father that was also a preacher taught him all about this job.To make some money from his natural talent as entertainer he decided to perform so called "exorcisms" that were in reality scam but he justified it because "possesed" peaople still got their problems solved thinking they were free from demons.After reading in the newspaper that some autistic kid died during exorcism he was furious because that reminded him of his own autistic son and wanted to expose "exorcisms "for the scam that they are in reallity.He decided to quit this job and to stop" scaming "people with his fake sessions and to present to public fraud by doing his last exorcism on cam with film crew.After randomly picking from the Letters in Which people were asking him to give them a "session" the letter takes him on familily farm but he soon realize that maybe this family's problems can not be solved with his fake exorcisms ...
. Click Here for Review.


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