Saturday, January 15, 2011

Penning, Cox, Arnsmeyer, file for city council, Two more file for school board in Hermann Missouri April 2011 Election

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Two more candidates have filed for seats on the Gasconade County R-1 School Board, and three candidates have filed for Hermann City Alderman.

Last week, Brenda VanBooven and Kirk Heil filed for school board, and on Monday Bruce Cox of Hermann filed for alderman in Ward 1.  Incumbent John Penning re-filed for another term in Ward 1, Bob Arnsmeyer has also filed for Hermann Ward 1 alderman.

Arnsmeyer will run against incumbent John Penning, and Bruce Cox for the Ward 1 seat.  

Three positions are still open on the R-1 school board.

The list of school board candidates has now grown to five.

Marilyn Rethemeyer and Craig Schannuth, both current board members whose terms are up next April, have re-filed and so has Sherry Englert, who is making her second bid for a school board position.

Dr. Carl Pierce, whose term on the school board expires in April, has not re-filed.

VanBooven and Heil are both from Montgomery County.

Earlier, Brian Chorley re-filed for his Ward 2 alderman seat on the Hermann city council.

Filing for seats on the school board and the Hermann board of aldermen remain open until Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 5 p.m. 

The election is Tuesday, April 5, 2011.

Those wishing to file for the R-1 school board can do so at the administration office located at the Hermann Middle School.

Filing for the board of alderman on the Hermann City Council can be done at the Hermann city hall. 

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