Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Political Apathy or Strategy ? No New Candidates Sign Up for Alderman, School Board Offices Hermann, Gasconade R-1, Missouri

Less than two weeks remain before filing ends for April 5 election

No new filings were received for positions on the Gasconade County R-1 School Board, and just one candidate has filed for city alderman.

Three positions are still open on the R-1 school board, and so far three candidates have filed.

Marilyn Rethemeyer and Craig Schannuth, whose terms are up next April, have re-filed and so has Sherry Englert, who ran for the school board in the last election.

Dr. Carl Pierce, whose term on the school board expires in April, has not refiled.

If no other candidates file, the R-1 school district will not be required to hold an election and those three candidates, Schannuth,Rethemeyer and Englert, will become the board members.

Brian Chorley has re-filed for his Ward 2 alderman seat on the Hermann city council. The other alderman whose term expires in April is John Penning in Ward 1.  So far Penning has not filed.

Filing for seats on the school board and the Hermann board of aldermen remain open until Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011, at 5 p.m.

The election is Tuesday, April 5, 2011.

Those wishing to file for the R-1 school board can do so at the administration office located at the Hermann Middle School.

Filing for the board of alderman on the Hermann City Council can be done at the Hermann city hall.


Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

1 comment:

  1. I think there will be some late filings. I hope so!
