Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shuttered Chrysler Plant in for Big Announcement, Fenton Missouri VIDEO DETAILS


Big announcement for shuttered Chrysler plant

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Fenton, Mo (KSDK) - A big announcement Thursday could lead to thousands of new jobs at the former Chrysler plant in Fenton. State Senator Eric Schmitt and State Representative Mike Leara say they have a plan for the vacant 300 acres at the Chrysler plant.

State officials hope to lure new business to the area by offering tax credits and property tax relief for redevelopment.

Supporters said attracting new companies to the Chrysler site will benefit the region as well as the state of Missouri.

Details of the plan are being released Thursday at 3pm at Fenton City Hall.

. Click Here to Read More.



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  1. Let the companies keep some of the withholding taxes, so the future workers are going to pay for it out of their paychecks!!! That's idiotic but that's our elected officials for ya! Pathetic plan!!!
