Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wall Street Journal: Verizon To Announce It's Getting iPhone, Again?

Wall Street Journal: Verizon To Announce It's Getting iPhone
by Eyder Peralta NPR

Today, Verizon Wireless sent out unexpected invitations to a red carpet event at the Lincoln Center in New York on Tuesday. Now, The Wall Street Journal is reporting that after years of waiting, Apple is finally breaking its monagomous relationship with AT&T and is introducing the iPhone on the Verizon network. The paper reports:
[The move will] upend the balance of power in the industry, ending Verizon rival AT&T Inc.'s exclusive hold on the device and leaving smaller players like Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile USA facing two well-capitalized competitors offering the world's most popular smartphone. 
It wasn't immediately clear when Verizon would have the device in stores.
The Verizon phone will be similar to the iPhone 4 but run on the carrier's CDMA technology, people familiar with the matter have said.
Now, we have to warn that the iPhone-on-Verizon rumor has been one of the most persistent over the past two years. In fact, The Wall Street Journal reported back in October that Verizon would have the iPhone by the end of 2010. In some ways, the rumor has become a piece of American mythology.

. Click Here for more info.


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