Monday, January 31, 2011

Wise Words From Egypt, 8 Year Old Has Message For Her President VIDEO



Egypt protests: 'Change is coming'

Thousands are rallying in the streets of Egypt, calling for an end to the 30-year rule of their President Hosni Mubarak.The protest, which has so far left at least 125 people dead and thousands more injured, have entered their sixth day.

updates below.

3:20pm: China has called for a rapid return to stability for its "friend" Egypt, as it restricts media coverage of the nationwide revolt that has left President Hosni Mubarak clinging to power.

"China is paying close attention to developments in the situation in Egypt," foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement. "Egypt is a friend of China's, and we hope social stability and order will return to Egypt as soon as possible."

China's ruling Communist Party is wary of disturbances to public order overseas that may influence demands for political reform and democracy at home, and it is restricting coverage of the protests online and in other media.



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