Wednesday, February 9, 2011

$ 40,000 Bail For Lindsay Lohan, Pleaded Not Guilty, Felony Grand Theft of $ 2,500 Necklace


Lohan pleads not guilty to felony theft charge

Feb. 9, 2011

LOS ANGELES(AP) – Lindsay Lohan pleaded not guilty Wednesday to felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace — a case that could return the troubled starlet to jail rather than the big screen.
She entered the plea through her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley after a judge scolded her about following the law.
"Look around this room," Superior Court Judge Keith Schwartz told Lohan. "Everybody else has to follow the law. You're no different than anyone else. So please, don't push your luck."
Schwartz set bail at $40,000. He said it appeared Lohan had violated her probation in a 2007 drunken driving case and warned that if she violated the law while free on bail he would have her arrested and held.
Lohan spoke little during the hearing except to acknowledge her name and that she understood the charge and the possible consequences.
The "Mean Girls" star was met by a swarm of photographers when she arrived at the courthouse in a white dress and sunglasses.
Prosecutors claim the 24-year-old starlet took the necklace in January.
If convicted of the theft charge, Lohan could face up to three years in state prison.
Holley said Lohan was entering an early disposition program where she could work out a deal to keep the case from going to trial.
She said Lohan has received good reports from her probation officer and has not failed any drug screens.
Prosecutor Danette Meyers rejected the idea that Lohan has been well-behaved.
"Well, a good probationer doesn't pick up a new case," Meyers said.
Schwartz ordered Lohan not to have any contact with the jewelry store that reported the necklace missing. The order came after Meyers said that someone sent the store flowers on Lohan's behalf after police started their investigation.

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