Friday, February 11, 2011

ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, All Media Want Your Chemtrail Photos



This alert is meant for the entire world, not just those living in the U.S.  It is of the utmost importance that we flood the U.S. media with an awareness that a heinous crime is being committed against humanity and our precious planet in the skies around the globe. We  believe that the U.S. has bullied the rest of the world into following their chemtrail-geoengineering agenda.  If the U.S. stops spraying, the rest of the nations will quickly follow suit. Therefore, we are asking everyone who reads this message to immediately follow the simple instructions detailed below (and tell others to do same).
First, understand why it is imperative that you take action NOW. Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri recently posted a shocking and detailed article about the dramatic increase in toxic heavy metals the air that we breathe.  There are at least 12 different toxic metals at levels that far exceed the allowable limits, including levels of arsenic (a toxic poison) that are 418 times the allowable limit!
Secondly, understand that what we are asking you to do is quite simple and, in fact, was already done by many thousands of people just last week.  All you need to do is send a few emails and fill out some contact forms on the media websites.  The email address and links to the contact forms are provided below.  We even provide sample text.  Modify the text to fit your situation, then just copy and paste into the emails and contact forms.
Finally, understand why this plan will succeed. The vast majority of people on the planet are unaware of what’s happening simply because: (1) they have been conditioned to believe that what they see in the sky is normal; (2) they aren’t told by the TV news that it is not normal and, in fact, the chemtrails are highly toxic.  If it’s not reported on the news, it’s not real.
Last week, a TV segment on chemtrails was presented on a CBS affiliate out of Atlanta. Although the story was presented as a conspiracy theory, TV news reporter Jeff Chirico issued the following invitation at the end of the segment: “Now, we know that a lot of you have pictures and videos of chemtrails. We want to see them. So, send them to us at: We’ll post them on our website.
News about the request for chemtrail pictures spread like wildfire around the internet after it was initially reported by The Intel Hub Radio and then  Both experienced massive spikes in traffic.  Many thousands of people sent in their photos.  CBS Atlanta received so many emails, their account was overloaded causing many of the emails to bounce.
Why do we have to wait for media to ask for our photos and videos before we send them?  The answer is: WE DON’T!  All TV News shows, news radio shows, and newspapers want your photos and videos.  They just don’t know it yet.  One of them is about to break the biggest story ever!  Watergate pales in comparison.

. Click Here to Read More.




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