Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anger in Ireland , Irish Elections Result in Government Shakeup


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Irish Elections Result in Government Shakeup

February 27, 2011

After Ireland's hard-hitting financial meltdown, voters have decisively ousted Fianna Fail, the current governing party.

Anchor: Jennifer Meckles

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In what’s being called a historic election, Irish voters have decisively ousted the current governing party, Fianna Fail.

We’re analyzing reactions from the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ITN, and BBC.

Analysts say the results highlight the country’s anger at Fianna Fail (Fee-ah-nuh Fail), which presided over Ireland during its meltdown as a result of the global financial crisis and its own spending excesses. According to the Wall Street Journal,

“...early counting suggests the party that has dominated Irish politics throughout its 85-year history may win just 20 seats, down from the 78 seats it won in 2007... The party’s reversal in fortunes will likely leave it with just one out of 47 seats in Dublin, home to a third of the country’s population.”

According to ITN, Fianna Fail has run the country for 61 of the last 79 years, making this defeat an even greater blow.

“It looks like voters are punishing the government for the economic meltdown which forced it to seek a bailout from its fellow European Union member states. Observers say Fianna Fail will record the biggest collapse in support for any Irish party since independence from Britain in 1921.”

While the votes show the country is united in their anger with the Fianna Fail party, there is a lack of unity regarding which party will be the next ruling party. And according to CNN, Fine Gael (Fihnuh Gale) will be forming a coalition government with the Labour Party.

“Fine Gael, the main opposition, like you said, they’re set to take power, but it will be a coalition government with the Labour party. Fine Gael is center right, the Labour Party is center left, so it will be a coalition government, but it will be a very strong coalition government.”

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