Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Apple Developing iPhone Mini - Launch Summer 2011 ? cost half price with nearly same features


Tech News

Apple to Unveil iPhone Mini?

February 14, 2011


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“Apple is developing cheaper, nano sized iPhones and the storage service called MobileME that will help make up for the lack of storage on these devices.” (The Wall Street Journal)

iPhone Mini?  For free? The rumors keep swirling – after The Wall Street Journal reported Apple is preparing for another product launch this summer.  The new device is said to be about half the size of the current iPhone -- and half the cost.

Analysts say the smaller price tag could help Apple win back some market share from a surging Android base.  The Journal reports it’s a possible shift to the cloud – that’s the big move here.

“I think Apple has gone from the niche, with these elegant expensive smart phones.  Now they are looking to get market share basically. Coming down on price range, and using the cloud to do that.  Using servers far away, have your WiFi access it, keep all your stuff over there. So you don’t need all these expensive components in your phone.”

The revamped MobileMe or cloud was supposed to be introduced with the launch of the iPhone 4 – but is still in development. Techland explains how the cloud could free up your iPhone.

“The idea would be that you'd buy a song from iTunes and you'd be able to stream it to any compatible Apple device or computer running iTunes without downloading and transferring it. And you'd have access to entire music collections larger than the available storage on your iPhone...”
. Click Here to Read More.


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