Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bible Curriculum for Public Schools Elective Course Passes Kentucky Senate

The Kentucky Senate supports a bill that would standardize a curriculum for Bible studies in public schools.
February 12, 2011

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Thou shall not teach religion in public schools. That’s what some in Kentucky are arguing after a bill to offer Bible studies in the state’s public schools passes in the state senate.

WLWT reports
this isn’t the first time the Senate resurrected a bill about the Good Book. It failed in the House once before because some thought it was unnecessary.

“In Kentucky - schools already have the choice of offering courses that teach the Bible. What Senate Bill 56 would do, is standardize the coursework. Some educators say a standard for teaching the Bible has the potential to make more school systems inclined to offer the class.”

The bill’s sponsor -- Senator Joe Bowen --
talked to Louisville’s WLKY.

"No doubt about it, the most important book ever written and obviously, it's had so much influence on our society and all of western civilization."

USA Today notes
what few sources do:  That this bill also “allowed students to substitute their own texts.”

WLKY talked with two Kentucky legislators who aren’t buying into toying with testament teaching.

One told the station he didn’t vote because he thought the bill threw academic credibility out the window.
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