Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blogger Teacher Fights For Her Job, called unidentified students, rude, disengaged, lazy whiners


Teacher Suspended For Blogging About 'Lazy Whiners' Fights For Her Job

by Mark Memmott NPR
February 16, 2011
There's been a growing buzz on the Web in the week or so since it was first reported that a Philadelphia-area high school English teacher has been suspended for writing, in a blog, things like this about her students:
"They are rude, disengaged, lazy whiners."
Today, one of the most-read stories on the Internet is this report from The Associated Press in which the teacher, 30-year-old Natalie Munroe, talks about why she said such things (in a blog meant for her family and friends and that did not identify her school or any students) and how she wants to keep her job at Central Bucks East High School.
"They get angry when you ask them to think or be creative," Munroe said of her students in an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday. "The students are not being held accountable."
. Click Here to Read More.



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