Sunday, February 6, 2011

Employers Banned From Monitoring Worker email, Facebook and Internet Use ? Queensland, Australia


Employers to be banned from monitoring staff's email, Facebook and internet use

By Renee Viellaris
The Sunday Mail (Qld)
February 06, 201
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 * Workplace privacy guidelines being examined
    * Queensland may act first if no agreement soon
    * No longer a clear line between private lives and work

SNEAKY bosses who spy on personal emails are facing D-Day as state and federal politicians move to protect workers' privacy.

Queensland Attorney-General Cameron Dick said it was time to safeguard workers who unknowingly had their emails read and internet use monitored by unreasonable bosses.

Companies are also monitoring social network sites and using information to sack staff even if they are posting messages at home and don't mention their employer.

Lawmakers say they are determined to stop any such abuse.

The state and federal attorneys-general have been working on a set of workplace privacy guidelines since 2009 but Mr Dick said he would introduce his own code, regulations or law if national progress was not made soon.

"If agreement can't be reached, Queensland will then need to consider how it will proceed to address legitimate workplace privacy concerns," he told The Sunday Mail.

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