Monday, February 21, 2011

Evermore Dog Food Pledge, Chefs Back Up Their Product by Eating It every day for a month


Dog Food Chefs Back Up Their Product by Eating It

February 20, 2011

Founders of Evermore dog food pledge to solely eat their brand every day for a month...


Anchor: Jennifer Meckles

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“Just a couple of girls sitting around polishing off a pint of ice cream...wait a minute! That’s not ice cream, it’s dog food!” (Video: CNN)

If you wouldn’t wolf down your pets dog food--you need to have a chat with the Evermore dog food founders. CNN reports that starting in March, the dog chow duo will eat their hormone-free, all-natural ingredient dog food... everyday.

HANNA MANDELBAUM AND ALISON WIENER: “Because ingredients matter more than ever...”

JEANNE MOOS: “They use only human-grade ingredients like chicken with yams and carrots and blueberries. Hanna’s dog, Connor, licks his bowl clean, but would I? Feed me.”

WIENER: “Feed you?”

MOOS: “Maybe a little smaller...(takes a bite) I mean, I can swallow it.”

...and the inspiration to try the doggie diet carried on to The Brooklyn Paper’s reporter--who says the puppy chow isn’t too shabby.

“It’s meaty and a bit grainy...I could have stopped at one bite — journalism had been served...— but something made me put the fork in again. It’s good. And when I added a touch of hot sauce — human hot sauce, of course. I don’t eat dog hot sauce — it’s actually delicious.”

. Click Here to Read More.


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