Monday, February 21, 2011

Florida School Supply Kindles Over Textbooks, Clearwater High School


Florida School Swaps Textbooks for Kindles

February 20, 2011


A school in Florida trades traditional textbooks for something similar to an iPad, the Kindle.

Anchor: Kyrsten Skulborstad

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For Clearwater High School students in Florida, lugging around a backpack full of books is a thing of the past. Fox News reports these lucky kids are the first in the country to get to read and study on their Kindles -- provided entirely by the school.  

“The principal h er e at Clearwater Hi gh School says he’s gotten all kinds of phone calls and e-mails from schools all around the country who want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly about the Kindle.”
“You can do the readings on it, you can look at wikis and blogs, kids can access grades and attendance. Right away we realized this is the direction to go.”

But is it worth the money? The Kindles cost the school $177.66 a pop. According to Florida’s WTSP 10 News, school officials say the Kindle should pay for itself in three years. A writer for 2nd Green Revolution says this transition is a big thumbs up for the school going green.

“According to a 2009 Cleantech study, ‘the carbon emitted in the life cycle of a Kindle is fully offset after the first year of use.’"

But Tampa Bay area’s Bay News 9 points out...

“The school has found that not all of the desired textbooks that are available are usable on the Kindle.”
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