Monday, February 28, 2011

Gasconade County Health Department to Host Community Focus Group at Wine Valley Inn, Wednesday, March 2 at 11am


The Gasconade County Health Department and Missouri Ozark Community Action is hosting a focus group for residents of Gasconade County. It will be held at the Wine Valley Inn on Wednesday, March 2 at 11am. Lunch will be provided. The goal of this meeting is to give residents an opportunity to come together and examine the issues and conditions within their community. Topics to be discussed are housing, employment, transportation, social services, health services/nutrition and physical activity, and child care. An RSVP is requested for food planning. RSVP to Mary Allers-Korostynski RN at 573-486-3129 x104 or by 5pm on 2/28/11. 

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