Friday, February 11, 2011

Local Farmers Encouraged to Call About Storm Assistance, Federal Help Available


Local farmers who saw damage to crops or loss of livestock from last week's winter storm can receive federal assistance, the Missouri Department of Agriculture reminded them on Wednesday. The assistance would come from a federal emergency declaration granted by President Barack Obama in the wake of the Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 storm.
"We are dedicated to providing Missouri farmers with information they need to help them recover from losses from natural disasters," said Director of Agriculture Dr. Jon Hagler. "We continue to work with folks in every corner of our state to ensure they have the resources necessary and to help move agriculture forward."
Farmers should document any losses or additional costs experienced as a result of these weather events, the MDA advised. Such information is often required for producers to be eligible for physical and/or production loss loan assistance from the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), and other assistance programs.
For more information, farmers can call the Missouri FSA office at (573) 876-0980.

Counties, such as Montgomery, Warren and Gasconade, were hit hard, receiving over a foot of snow.

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