Saturday, February 26, 2011

Missouri First in Nation Meth Lab Incidents Highway Patrol says

Some common ingredients used in the manufacturing of methamphetamine.

Missouri leads the nation in meth lab incidents, Highway Patrol says

 St. Louis Post-Dispatch 
February 26, 2011

Missouri led the nation in the seizure of methamphetamine labs and other meth lab incidents, the Missouri Highway Patrol said Friday.

"Once again, Missouri has the unfortunate distinction of being the leader in meth lab seizures, despite the hard work of the state's drug task forces and all law enforcement," said Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol in a statement.

In 2010, law enforcement reported 1,960 incidents, up 10 percent from 2009. Jefferson County led the state, with 228 incidents, followed by Franklin and Washington counties, with 106 and 103, respectively. St. Charles County had 90 and St. Louis County had 74. There were four incidents in St. Louis.

Incidents include the seizure of equipment, working or non-working labs and the discovery of laboratory dump sites.

Tennessee is second in the nation, with 1,197 incidents, according to Drug Enforcement Administration data, followed by Kentucky, Mississippi and Michigan, with 672. Illinois had 338 incidents as of October. Complete numbers for the state were not immediately available Saturday.

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