Saturday, February 26, 2011

MISSOURI PROTEST: Unions, Tea Party Groups Rally at Statehouse

Feb. 26, 2011 -- Supporters of protesters in Wisconsin gather on the north side of the capital building in Jefferson City, Mo. Hundreds of union supporters and Tea Party members held small but raucous demonstrations at the Missouri statehouse. (AP/News Tribune/Deborah Cote) 

Mo. unions, tea party groups rally at Statehouse

By WES DUPLANTIER | Associated Press St. Louis Post-Dispatch |
February 26, 2011

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Hundreds of union supporters and tea party members held small but raucous demonstrations at the Missouri Statehouse on Saturday, arguing both sides of the collective bargaining issue that has sparked much larger protests in Wisconsin over the past week.
The rally was part of a nationwide effort by labor and political groups to show solidarity with protesters in Wisconsin, where Republican Gov. Scott Walker is backing legislation that would strip unions of most of their collective bargaining rights. About 300 demonstrators in Jefferson City waved signs and shouted slogans like "Solidarity!" and "Power to the people!" in support of union membership and bargaining.
"I'm not part of a union, but I believe that people should have the right to assemble and bargain collectively for what's fair," said Dean Andersen, who lives in Columbia and is a health educator at the University of Missouri.
Bill Schwulst, of Milwaukee, Wis., told the crowd he had been at protests in Wisconsin over the past week. He said other unions, including those that represent police officers and snow plow drivers, had expressed anger with Walker's bill.
"You know you're in trouble when you've got the police officers, and fire departments and snow plow drivers going against you in Wisconsin," he said through a bullhorn while standing on a stone bench with several other speakers.
Some in the crowd wore patriotic top hats and caps shaped like wedges of cheese - a nod to Wisconsin, of course. Several times during the rally, the crowd broke into song, even delivering a rendition of "On, Wisconsin!"
On the south side of the Capitol, about 200 tea party supporters held a counterprotest in favor of the Wisconsin bill and also touched on the broader federal budget issue and where they think cuts can be made.
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