Thursday, February 10, 2011

Old Jail Cells To Be Removed From Courthouse, Gasconade County, Hermann, Missouri


The small jail facility on the first floor of the Gasconade County Courthouse in Hermann is set to be removed.  The Gasconade County Commission voted unanimously (3-0)  to remove the old jail cells from the courthouse since the jail was not an original part of the building and there is no significant historical value to the decrepit facility.  No time-table was set for the removal but at least one Commissioner will be volunteering in the demolition.

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Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)


  1. Thanks for printing the facts and always going with the truth. Cletus

  2. Thanks Cletus,

    We don't want to insult anyone's intelligence with bias/slanted reporting and then claim it's the back story!!!

    PR 2011
