Wednesday, February 9, 2011

O'Reilly, Obama Interview or Interrupt-a-thon, Insightful or Disrespectful ?


O'Reilly-Obama an Interrupt-a-thon?

February 8, 2011

After repeatedly interrupting the President during Fox's pre-Super Bowl interview, many are asking if Bill O'Reilly was insightful, or disrespectful.


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Was it an interview-a-thon?  Or -- an interrupt-a-thon?  Hours after the Super Bowl interview between President Barack Obama and Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, the buzz just keeps on buzzing about whether the interview was insightful or disrespectful.  First -- a taste of the interview.

OREILLY: “Then why do the majority of people in the polls not support Obamacare?”
OBAMA: “Actually, I think it’s pretty evenly...”
OREILLY: “It’s close...the majority don’t support it...
OBAMA: “It’s evenly divided Bill, and here’s what I think a lot of people saw. In the last two years at a time when people were concerned about the economy and concerned about jobs, what they saw was a lot of arguing in Congress.”

O’Reilly’s interview with President Obama covered health care, working in the Oval Office, and the President’s pick to win the Superbowl.

Predictably, perhaps, viewers had mixed reactions to the interview. The Examiner notes O’Reilly interrupted the President 22 times throughout the interview, and says--

“...O'Reilly continually cut off the President in order to ask another question, redirect the interview, or simply make a statement.  To many, O'Reilly's actions were disrespectful to Obama and, more importantly, the office of President of the United States...”

A writer for the Progressive Professor blog has a different count -- saying the president was cut-off 43 times within 15 minutes. He calls that, a clear sign of disrespect.

In an interview on Fox News Monday, Bill O’Reilly defended the interview.

BILL O’REILLY: “I got my questions in, I think I was, suitably confrontational in a friendly way. You know, I don’t like to read the blogs, because I think a lot of those people are mentally ill who write on them... those who like Obama thought that I was too intrusive and rude, and this and that, and those who hate Obama thought I was too soft on him...”

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