Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rent Deposits May Go Up, Landlord Lawmakers Seek to Raise Renter Deposits, Missoury House Judiciary Committee Approves Plan for Consideration


Cost of security deposits could rise for Missouri renters

 Wednesday, February 9, 2011
BY Christi Warren

JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri renters could be charged higher security deposit fees under a bill approved by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
The bill, proposed by Rep. David Sater, R-Cassville, would increase the amount a landlord can demand at the outset of a leasing agreement.
The current statute allows a landlord to ask for no more than two months' rent. The proposed bill increases the limit to no more than three months' rent.
Rep. Jason Kander, D-Kansas City, accused the bill's sponsor of a "conflict of interest," pointing out that Sater and a number of other committee members own rental property.
Kander, noting his own status as a landlord, said to avoid such a conflict, should he have supported the bill, his vote would have been "present" or a non-vote. He asked the committee to follow suit and instead of voting for their own financial concerns, to consider those of their tenants.
"In a time when it's not great economic times, it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me that we would take steps to make it more difficult for folks to be able to afford a place to live," Kander said.

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Does this sound like a conflict of interest by landlord House Judiciary Committee members?
Times are tough, why are they not working on things that will help improve Missouri's Economy, like more jobs, instead of their own self interest? 


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