Thursday, February 17, 2011

School Make-Up Days On Saturdays Question Is a SCAM to Sell Web Subscriptions


Crazy rumors are circulating that if there are any more school closings due to "Inclement weather," school make-up days may have to be held on Saturdays. This is rumor only!!!  Listed below are the make up days so far for Gasconade R-1 and the Missouri Revised Statutes concerning--Make-up of days lost or canceled, number required--exemption, when--waiver for schools in session twelve months of year, granted when.

Gasconade County R-1
Revisions in the school year to adjust for snow days

Feb. 16 – Full day of attendance (No early release for Professional Development)

Feb. 21 – Students in attendance (Presidents’ Day Holiday)

Mar. 9 – Full day of attendance (No early release for Professional Development)

Mar. 18 – Students in attendance (Third Quarter Work Day)

April 25 – Students in attendance (Easter Monday Holiday)

May 23 to 26 – Full attendance days

May 27 – Students in attendance until 1:00 pm.  

Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 171
School Operations
Section 171.033

August 28, 2010

Make-up of days lost or canceled, number required--exemption, when--waiver for schools in session twelve months of year, granted when. 171.033. 1. "Inclement weather", for purposes of this section, shall be defined as ice, snow, extreme cold, flooding, or a tornado, but such term shall not include excessive heat.
2. A district shall be required to make up the first six days of school lost or canceled due to inclement weather and half the number of days lost or canceled in excess of six days if the makeup of the days is necessary to ensure that the district's students will attend a minimum of one hundred forty-two days and a minimum of one thousand forty-four hours for the school year except as otherwise provided in this section. Schools with a four-day school week may schedule such make-up days on Fridays.
3. In the 2008-09 school year a school district may be exempt from the requirement to make up days of school lost or canceled due to inclement weather in the school district when the school district has made up the six days required under subsection 2 of this section and half the number of additional lost or canceled days up to eight days, resulting in no more than ten total make-up days required by this section.
4. In the 2009-10 school year and subsequent years, a school district may be exempt from the requirement to make up days of school lost or canceled due to inclement weather in the school district when the school district has made up the six days required under subsection 2 of this section and half the number of additional lost or canceled days up to eight days, resulting in no more than ten total make-up days required by this section.
5. The commissioner of education may provide, for any school district in which schools are in session for twelve months of each calendar year that cannot meet the minimum school calendar requirement of at least one hundred seventy- four days for schools with a five-day school week or one hundred forty-two days for schools with a four-day school week and one thousand forty-four hours of actual pupil attendance, upon request, a waiver to be excused from such requirement. This waiver shall be requested from the commissioner of education and may be granted if the school was closed due to circumstances beyond school district control, including inclement weather, flooding or fire.
(L. 1978 S.B. 954 § 2, A.L. 1982 S.B. 832, A.L. 1994 S.B. 442, A.L. 1997 H.B. 797, A.L. 2001 H.B. 274, A.L. 2003 H.B. 554, A.L. 2006 S.B. 769, A.L. 2007 S.B. 64, A.L. 2009 H.B. 682 merged with S.B. 291) Effective 5-14-09 (H.B. 682)
8-28-09 (S.B. 291)
Make-up days lost due to inclement weather when and how made up, 160.041

. Click Here to Read More.



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