Friday, April 8, 2011

Never Ending Saga Continues UPDATE: 2 Gasconade County Commisioners Shoot Down Latest Deed Offer by GCCS

The Board of Directors of the GCCS (Gasconade County Courthouse Society) will be meeting Monday attempting to iron out the details of Donating 4 lots to the county. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Issue of deeding four lots to Gasconade County hits a snag

the Hermann Advertiser-Courier
March 16, 2011

Deeds for the four lots around the courthouse were rejected in their present drafted form by the Gasconade County Commission at a special meeting last week.

   Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost and Southern District Commissioner Jerry Lairmore met with Prosecuting Attorney Ada Brehe-Krueger on March 7 in a special session. They reviewed and discussed the four deeds.

 As far as how to move forward with the issue of deeding the four lots, it was suggested that Jost contact GCCS chairman Dale Ridder and let him know that the Commission does not agree with the terms.

   The commissioners said the wording in the deeds is not as it was agreed on by everyone at the last GCCS meeting. The commission is offering Ridder and the GCCS a chance to redraft the deeds after reviewing their meeting minutes.

 The commission wants the GCCS chairman to be clear on four specific items: the property is to be deeded to County of Gasconade, not Gasconade County Commission; it can't be sold; it must be used for county government functions; the 50-year covenant on red brick house.

   If that does not work out, then it was suggested that all three commissioners, along with County Clerk Lesa Lietzow, meet with the entire GCCS board at its next meeting to air the discrepancies and attempt to arrive at an agreement. If no agreement can be reached, the Commission will consider letting the current deadline of 2012 expire, and then deal directly with Joe Roetheli for the property.

. Click Here to Read More.

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