Saturday, March 5, 2011

Android Takes Smartphone Lead Available on More Phones # 1 Cell Phone


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Nielsen Study Shows Android's Rapid Climb

March 5, 2011

New data from Nielsen shows Android OS slightly ahead of Blackberry and iOS, and while it's still close Android's comeback is impressive.



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New data from Nielsen shows it’s hard to tell who’s winning the U.S. smartphone war. At first glance, it looks like Google’s Android.

Nielsen released the data on its blog, saying...

“When it comes to consumer marketshare by operating system, Android (29%) appears to be pulling ahead of RIM Blackberry (27%) and Apple iOS (27%)”

But ComputerWorld explains there’s a catch: Android is simply available on more phones.

“Thats because RIM is the only maker of its BlackBerry devices and Apple is the only maker of iPhones, while the Android OS is used by several manufacturers.”

A blogger on Gather notes taking the lead is impressive, but this is truly a “come from behind” victory.

“While [Android’s] numbers may not seem dominating, remember that Android was at around 5 percent of the market just a year ago.”

According to The Nielsen data,  long-time king Blackberry’s has officially been dethroned. A blogger at TG Daily suggests it’s due to the smartphones becoming less work and more play.

“...Companies would buy Blackberry phones in bulk, sometimes hundreds or even thousands at a time. No one really expected enterprise customers to start switching over, en masse, to the new consumer platforms of Android and iOS, but that's exactly what it happening.”

Android’s rise highlights the concerns of an Apple-Google duopoly. In February, Nokia partnered with Microsoft instead of Google specifically to avoid giving Google too much power. The Wall Street Journal notes phone makers around the world have tough decisions ahead of them.

“It’s going to be something to look at this year as Google continues to gain marketshare, how the carriers and device makers deal with that and do they slow it down or... I don’t know ... it’s definitely a growing force and the carriers may want to change the way they deal with it going forward. It remains to be seen.”

Long term trends show while Android is on the rise and Blackberry is falling behind, iPhone’s marketshare held it’s ground. So is there any stopping the Android army? Tell us what you think in our comments section.

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