Saturday, March 5, 2011

Asian Carp Fish Kill Bald Eagles Feast Mississippi River Near Alton, Illinois, White Pelicans


Biologist: Upside to Alton fish kill for eagles

The Associated Press
Posted on March 5, 2011


ALTON, Ill. (AP) -- Hundreds of dead fish found floating near the Mississippi River city of Alton may not be such a bad thing after all.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineer supervisory wildlife biologist Charlie Deutsch tells KMOX radio that the dead fish found in and near the Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary include the invasive Asian carp, as well as shad.
The fish kill means bald eagles that flock to the Alton area each winter to feed will have good meals.
Deutsch says the mass fish die-off happens annually, notably during a winter that's been long and cold.
He adds people are likelier to notice the dead fish this year because the water level at the sanctuary is lower than usual.
Bighead and silver carp have infested parts of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers.




Mar 4, 2011
There is a conservation area near West Alton Illinois on the Mississippi River. This large congregation of migrating American White Pelicans have stopped on the river to rest, forage, and socialize. They are heading northwest to breed and spend the summer.


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