Monday, March 28, 2011

Attack Libya for European Energy U.N. Humanitarian Hoax, Will Obama Explain This Tonight ?

This chart shows every energy and oil installation in Libya, offshore and on. 
All but one of them is an European-owned entity.  
(U.S.) Exxon Mobil is the other one.
Appears this about European energy.

President Obama faces hard Libya sell



When President Barack Obama addresses the nation Monday evening, nine days after launching airstrikes against Libyan strongman Muammar Qadhafi, his challenge is to convince the public that, congressional nail-biting aside, he acted swiftly and decisively in the national interest.
Congress has cried out in surround sound — with criticism coming from all corners — since U.S. missiles first struck Libyan targets. At best, the public is lukewarm about the mission: According to Gallup, 47 percent approve and 37 percent disapprove. And top Obama administration officials, some of whom have differed over the goals and motivation for the mission, will face tough questioning this week in open hearings and a private, classified briefing for members of Congress.
So when Obama takes the stage at the National Defense University at Fort McNair on Monday evening, there is a sense of urgency that he make an airtight case for his decision to intervene in Libya — and skeptics and supporters alike will also be looking for an endgame.
Here’s the narrative that Obama officials are selling in advance of the address: European and Arab-world allies begged America to get involved to prevent the slaughter of Libyan rebels; ignoring Qadhafi would embolden other despots to quash opponents by force; the United Nations and NATO are on board and the military and intelligence capabilities of the United States were crucial to setting up a “no-fly” zone. On top of that, even though Obama wants Qadhafi ousted, the American role will be wrapped up without an invasion, the officials say.

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