Thursday, March 10, 2011

BORAT IN THE BUFF Naked Streaker Tackled By Football Soccer Player


Red Card for Tackling Streaker?

Dorchester Town football player-manager wrestles down a Borat streaker, but gets the red card.
March 10, 2011



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It was an illegal and unusual tackle that earned Dorchester  Town player-manager Ashley Vickers a red card during an English soccer match. Check out the viral video from ITN.

“Now the impatient footballer is taking matters into his own hands. There goes Dorchester player manager he’s running to wrestle him down to the ground. Oh and there goes his wig."

And down went the streaker -- but not without penalty. The ref booted Vickers from the game for violent conduct on the field. A Daily Mail referee expert says...

“This clip probably validates the question ‘Who'd be a referee?’The law doesn't stipulate who you need to act in a violent manner towards - just that you have acted in a violent manner.”

But an ABC Sports blogger says - what rule?

“Where in the footballing rulebook does it say it's illegal for a player to tackle a streaker on the pitch?”

And an ESPN blogger adds - security wasn’t able to get the streaker off the field - so what’s wrong with a little WWE-style takedown?

“Not only did [Vickers] stop the Borat in the buff from further delaying play, he also did it in a totally kickass, totally Triple H kinda way.”

As for Vickers, he says - maybe it wasn’t the best decision he ever made.

“I just wanted to help them and get on with the game. And obviously both teams wanted to go on and win it.”

So ...bad call? Or should Vickers have remembered - soccer isn’t football.




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