Wednesday, March 9, 2011

East Central College Tuition Increase This Fall 2011 Up 7.5 pct


East Central College trustees approved the college's first tuition increase in six years Monday night, citing an expected decrease in state aid, and a reduction in federal funding for career and technical education.

Effective this fall, in-district tuition will rise $5, to $66 per credit hour. Out-of-district tuition will climb $7, to $94 per credit hour. Tuition for out-of-state students will increase $10, to $141 per credit hour, while international students will pay $11 more than they are now, at $152 per credit hour.

"ECC currently has the lowest tuition of any college or university in Missouri," said Dr. Jon Bauer, Vice President for Finance and Administration. "We believe that will remain the case even after this increase."

The tuition increase should generate an estimated $460,000 in general revenue, according to Bauer. That should offset an estimated $380,000 reduction in state aid. The college will also have to deal with increased costs for retirement and utilities in the upcoming fiscal year, according to a release from East Central.

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