Saturday, March 26, 2011

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg “in a relationship” switched his relationship status from single


Zuckerberg Makes Things Facebook Official

March 26, 2011


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is officially off the market. He switched his relationship status from single to “in a relationship”.


You're watching multisource tech video news analysis from Newsy.

Here’s a new Facebook notification for ya -- Mark Zuckerberg is no longer single. The infamous Facey Founder has changed his relationship status from single to taken. The lucky girl?  Zuck’s long time G-F Priscilla Chan.

The two have been dating since their college days at Harvard. Daniel Bates of the
Daily Mail reports that Chan revealed exactly when the relationship started on her Facebook page.
(Video Source: Oprah)

He observes this date to be awfully close to another significant time in Zuckerberg’s life.

“November 7 2003, just days after Zuckerberg's infamous Facemash stunt at Harvard.”
“He was nearly expelled from the university after hacking into different colleges' websites and taking pictures of all the female students, placing them next to each other and asking other students to 'rate' their attractiveness.”

So why make it Facebook official some eight years later? A blogger for Forbes seems to think it’s because things are getting serious for the CEO and his gal.
(Video Source: 60 Minutes)

Reporting the relationship update came after a new puppy purchase between the two.
“I’ve noticed that friends on Facebook who have been dating for years who suddenly make a change to reveal they are in a relationship often follow that up soon thereafter with an “engagement” announcement.”

. Click Here to Read More.


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