Monday, March 28, 2011

Facebook May Hire Former White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs


Facebook Might Hire Robert Gibbs, Former White House Press Secretary

Mar 27 2011  
by: James Johnson

Robert Gibbs, the former White House Press Secretary for President Obama may soon have a new boss in Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Reports are circulating that the social network would like Gibbs to head up their most important company communications.
The move, planned ahead of the company’s expected 2012 initial public offering (IPO) is still in the early stages and no formal offer has been made.
According to political insiders, Gibbs was getting ready to work on President Obama’s re-election campaign but recently decided to seek private sector work.
If Gibbs does accept the job, it could mean millions of dollars in his pockets as the company is said to be rushing along with negotiations since talks between him and the company were meant to be kept confidential. Apparently Gibbs has been stewing over the decision, even consulting with former White House colleagues, including David Axelrod.
The move could not only help Facebook garner a solid focused voice, but Gibbs’ experience in Washington could prove invaluable as Facebook comes under more intense scrutiny by Washington lawmakers and regulators who fear the company has not done enough to protect the privacy of their users.

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