Saturday, March 5, 2011

Franklin County Plans to Pave 50 Miles of Gravel Roads, Depending on Weather


County Plans to Resurface 50 Miles of Gravel Roads

Depending on Weather
Friday, March 4, 2011

If the weather cooperates this year, Franklin County crews hope to pave almost 50 miles of roads.
Public Works Director Rich Wilson released a list of gravel roads to be converted during the current fiscal year this week.
The list includes a total of 48.2 miles of roads.
Many of the roads already were approved by the commission last year.
The county didn't get a lot of those roads paved because of above average precipitation and cold temperatures.
County crews prepare the roads, including doing grading work, but the county commission bids out the paving work.
The county highway department divides the county into two districts, east and west.
This year 20.1 miles of roads in the east district are scheduled to be paved. The other 28.1 miles of roads are in the west district.
Some of those roads, all of which were approved for paving last year, have already been prepared by county crews for paving.
Those roads include:
East district - Oklahoma School Road, two miles, chip and seal; Osage Road, 0.6 mile, chip and seal; and Becker Road, 0.3 mile, chip and seal.
West district - Lockhart Road, 1.9 miles, chip and seal.
Other roads scheduled for paving this year in the east district include:
Busch Road, two miles, asphalt; Frost Road, 1.2 miles, chip and seal; Bend School Lane, 0.4 mile, chip and seal; Grand Army Road, 1.2 miles, asphalt;
Brush Creek, 2.3 miles, chip and seal; Big Indian Creek, 4.2 miles, chip and seal; Little Indian Creek, 3.5 miles, chip and seal; and Rye Creek, 2.4 miles, asphalt.
West district roads to be paved include:
Lyon School Road, 2.5 miles, chip and seal; Baltimore Lane, 0.2 mile, chip and seal; Junction Spur, 0.1 mile, chip and seal; Reikers Ford, 1.8 miles, chip and seal; Snake Hill Road, 1.3 miles, chip and seal; Springfield Road near Gerald, 0.9 mile, chip and seal;
South Door Ford, 1.7 miles, chip and seal; Dierking Road, 1.6 miles, chip and seal; Big Branch, 2.1 miles, chip and seal; Grob Road, 4 miles, chip and seal; Sapsucker Road, 0.8 mile, chip and seal;
Diekroger Road, 0.3 mile, chip and seal; Old State Road, 3.4 miles, asphalt; Aunt Marys Road, 0.7 mile, chip and seal; Klemme Road, 3.5 miles, chip and seal; and Grube Road, 1.3 miles, chip and seal.
Frost Road was moved up the list because the county obtained right of way from area residents, Wilson told commissioners when he presented them with the list of roads in December 2010.
Junction Spur, Diekroger, Old State, Aunt Marys, Klemme and Grube roads all were added "based on their right of way contributions and need to be paved," he said.
The roads have not yet been approved by the county commission this year, but Wilson presented commissioners with the list of roads in early December 2010.

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