Monday, March 7, 2011

Phil Collins Officially Retiring Music Biz: Against All Odds - Live Aid 1985 MUSIC VIDEO


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Phil Collins Calls it Quits

March 7, 2011
Phil Collins announces he's officially done with the music biz - but the media questions whether he's actually quitting.

Anchor: Austin Kim
You're watching entertainment news analysis from Newsy.

One of music’s greats is calling it quits. Phil Collins announced he’s officially retiring from the music biz to magazine FHM. People Magazine got a sneak peek at the interview, where Collins says-

"I don't really belong to that world and I don't think anyone's going to miss me...I'm much happier just to write myself out of the script entirely."

With more than four decades of entertaining under his belt, Collins’ comment that no one’s going to miss him has a lot of people scratching their heads, including the Fox and Friends crew.

CLAYTON MORRIS: “Who will sing ‘Groovy Kind of Love?’”
ALISYN CAMEROTA: “Dave will. Dave will. Dave knows every word to this.”
MORRIS: “We were all just singing it in the break for some reason. Thank god there is no tape of that.”
DAVE BRIGGS: “I love Phil Collins, man. I will miss him.”

A blogger for says
, if Collins worked any other job, he would’ve already hung up the towel.

“...being 60 years old and all, I think it’s a good time to retire. I’m sure he’s built up a nice little nest egg to live on, so really, I don’t feel too bad for the guy. It’s time to relax, buddy, you’ve earned it.”

But should we trust Collins? This isn’t the first time he’s announced his retirement, and he’s taken almost as many “farewell tours” as Cher. As a writer for the Telegraph points out, we should read between the lines of Collins’ decision to announce his retirement via FHM.

“Frankly, an interview with a glossy men’s magazine that was presumably carried out a couple of months ago seems a strange way for a superstar to bow out from the world stage. Besides, in today’s veteran-oriented musical landscape, surely the only point of announcing retirement is to facilitate a comeback?”
. Click Here to Read More.

Phil Collins - Against All Odds - Live Aid 1985


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