Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Red Light Camera Era Over For Washington Missouri


Some Washington-area drivers and those just driving through may have been ignoring flashes from the city's two red light cameras because of belief the cameras are unconstitutional, or simply a money grab by the city. Now, those drivers have the permission of Police Chief Ken Hahn to continue ignoring them.
Effective Tuesday, Mar. 8, Washington police are now longer issuing tickets from the cameras, Chief Hahn told KLPW. Hahn said the cameras, owned by American Traffic Solutions (ATS), were still up, but said he did not know if they were operational. If drivers see a flash from the cameras, Hahn advised them to simply ignore it.
The city's contract with ATS expired Tuesday, and per a January decision by city council members, will not be renewed.
Since the installation of the cameras in 2008, the city has come under intense criticism from some local drivers. Their critical comments are shared by some state lawmakers, who wish to ban cities from using the devices. St. Louis Republican Senator Jim Lembke sponsors a bill that would prohibit the cameras' use. That bill has not yet been voted on by the full Senate.
Washington's cameras, the only two of their kind in Franklin County, are located at the intersections of Route 100/Highway 47, and Rte. 100/Rte. A.

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1 comment:

  1. Good Riddence to ban Rubbish!

    JOIN the Fight against the RLC SCAM!

    also check out:
