Friday, March 18, 2011

Sion Milosky Killed: Hawaiian Big Wave Surfer Dies Surfing Huge Swell at Maverick's California Half Moon Bay


Hawaiian big wave surfer dies while surfing California's biggest break


A BIG wave surfer from Hawaii was killed surfing a huge swell at Maverick's - the legendary California surf spot that took the life of another Hawaiian surf star, Mark Foo, 16 years ago, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported today.
Sion Milosky, 35, appeared to have drowned while riding in high surf off the coast near Half Moon Bay, south of San Francisco, according to fellow surfers.
They said Milosky fell when the lip of a wave collapsed on top of him and was held under by the force of several huge waves that followed. The San Mateo County Coroner's Office has not determined a cause of death.
According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel, the wave faces at Maverick's on Wednesday were topping out at about 60 feet (18m). One of the world's biggest breaks, waves at Maverick's have been seen as high as 80 feet (24m).
An experienced and accomplished big wave rider from Kauai, Milosky was wearing a flotation device that did not save his life. Another surfer, Nathan Fletcher, went looking for Milosky on a Jet Ski when he did not surface after his fall. Fletcher found his body 20 minutes later about a mile (1.6km) from the surf.
Married father-of-two Milosky was recently named North Shore Underground Surfer of the Year. He had been featured in surfing magazines and was known among surfers for paddling into what many believe is the biggest wave ever seen, at Phantoms, Oahu.
HALF MOON BAY -- Sion Milosky was always in search of the biggest waves to surf. The Hawaiian native found those waves on Wednesday at the Mavericks surf break north of Half Moon Bay, but the swells were just too overwhelming.
Milosky, 35, was killed at about 6 p.m., said a fellow surfer who witnessed the incident.
Milosky had caught at least six waves before the accident, the surfer said. About a dozen surfers and three people on Jet Skis were out on the water at the time, he said.
Milosky was pronounced dead at Seton Coastside Hospital in Moss Beach. The San Mateo County coroner will determine the cause of death.

A big-wave surfer from Hawaii has died at the Maverick's surf break.
Fellow surfers tell the Santa Cruz Sentinel that 35-year-old Sion Milosky apparently drowned on Wednesday evening while surfing waves up to 60 feet at the break off the San Mateo County coast.
Surfer Ken Collins says the lip of a wave Milosky was riding collapsed on him around 6:30 p.m. Another surfer found his body floating about a mile from the break at the entrance to Pillar Point Harbor.
Felton Fire Capt. Loree Borelli says rescue crews responded to a report of a possible drowning around 6:51 p.m. and transported the patient to Seton Coastside Hospital in Moss Beach.
Milosky of Kauai, Hawaii was among about a dozen surfers who gathered Wednesday to surf the Maverick's break.
On Milosky's Facebook page, people posted their messages including this from Jonel Elias, "You were one of the best! Underground and very well respected, loved, and looked up to. Your spirit lives on and the love will continue."
The only other surfing death at Maverick's was in 1994.

Pro Surfer Killed at Mavericks

Surfer's wife flew into Bay Area from Hawaii Thursday


The thrill of chasing big waves turned tragic at Mavericks when professional big surfer Sion Milosky was found unconscious in the water.
Cal fire says it responded to a drowning report around 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Maverick's surfer Ken Collins told the Mercury News that Milosky was pulled down by something he called a "two-wave hold down." 
Milosky was rushed to the hospital, but doctors could not save him.
Friends say he was in the Bay Area just to ride the legendary waves at Mavericks. He told surfing magazine in November one of his goals was to enter theMavericks’ contest.
Surfer Grant Washburn was in the water Thursday and said the waves were near 40 feet tall.
Other Witnesses tell NBC Bay Area News they saw Milosky wipe out on a wave and his surf board was ripped away from him.
Friends posted rest in peace messages on his Milsoky's facebook page Wednesday night.





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1 comment:

  1. RIP! My dad is a huge surfer, and has been surfing ever since he was a kid off of venice/malibu. he told me about this article, so sad and such a heart breaker during hard times. May times get better soon...
    Thanks for sharing!
