Saturday, March 26, 2011

St. Louis Man in Running for Sheen Internship

 Mike Castro, the 23-year-old social media director at KFNS Radio

Local man in the running for Sheen internship

 Mar 25, 2011
by Kevin Held

St. Louis, MO (KSDK) - A St. Louis man hopes to land a summer internship in Los Angeles with actor Charlie Sheen.
Mike Castro, the 23-year-old social media director at KFNS Radio, said he originally applied for the eight-week paid internship for the fun of it. 75,000 people felt the same way.
Sheen has since whittled that down to 250 people, including Castro.
"I know some people don't want to be within 10 feet of Charlie Sheen, but people who find him funny and hysterical like I do, it would be just an unbelievable experience to not only meet him and work with him, but get paid to do so, and something you can tack on to a resume, and it something where your name is recognizable."
Castro is a 2009 graduate of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. For the next round of the competition he has to make a two minute YouTube video.
. Click Here Video Interview.


KFNS social media director in the running to be Charlie Sheen's summer intern

March 24, 2011

TWEETS FOR CASTRO: Mike Castro, 23, social media director for KFNS (590 AM), is in the crowd of 250 applicants who have made it through three rounds of competition to become actor-gone-wild Charlie Sheen's summer social media intern.
While the 250 may still sound like a lot of competitors — that's down from the original number of nearly 75,000 — Castro said today that he feels he may have a real shot.
He said he originally applied "for fun," but as each round has succeeded in winnowing out thousands of competitors, the process has become more involved and his interest has kept pace.
"This one got rather serious," Castro said, referring to the current round. "They want me to dress up like I would for an interview and then I have to make a two-minute YouTube video of me answering one of three serious questions."
He hasn't decided which of the questions he will answer but is leaning toward one that asks how he would use social media to help raise interest for a cause. His YouTube video is due tomorrow.
When asked why he would want to be Sheen's intern, Castro said he thinks the actor "is just freaking hysterical and in a really weird way, he's doing good things." One of the things Castro was referring to involves Sheen's "Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" tour, in which the actor has pledged that $1 from every ticket sold will go to the Red Cross to help victims from the earthquake in Japan.
When posting for an intern, Sheen said he wanted help to build on the success he had in setting the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to reach 1 million followers on Twitter.
Castro is a native of Glenview, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, and a 2009 Southern Illinois University Carbondale grad. He said one of the reasons he'd like the summer intership with Sheen is the location.
"It's an eight-week paid internship in L.A. That would be a lot of fun," Castro noted.
Follow Castro's efforts on his Twitter page: @mikecastro23


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