Friday, March 25, 2011

Trade Group says Meth Bill Burdens Consumers, would Add New Costs and Unnecessary Barriers on innocent customers

To See Related story below click here:
Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control Hearing on “The Status of Meth: Oregon’s Experience Making Pseudoephedrine Prescription only”

The Consumer Healthcare Products Association is taking aim at the Meth Lab Elimination Act, legislation that would restrict the sales of certain cold medications. The CHPA has begun airing radio ads targeting the bill (see video), which is sponsored in the Missouri House by Sullivan Republican Dave Schatz.

Under the bill, pharmacies across Missouri would require a doctor's prescription for medications containing pseudoephedrine, an active ingredient in the manufacture of methamphetamine.

The CHPA, which represents medication manufacturers, argues such a requirement would lead to higher out-of-pocket costs for legitimate cold sufferers, and longer waiting at doctors' offices.
The CHPA instead proposes Missouri continue use of its electronic tracking system to monitor pseudoephedrine sales.

To see more of the CHPA's view on the issue, visit

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CHPA is the not-for-profit association representing the makers of over-the-counter medicines and nutritional supplements, and the consumers who rely on these healthcare products.
CHPA is one of the oldest trade associations in the United States, and represents one of the most dynamic and cost-effective segments in the healthcare environment today.
Go to site is the home of the CHPA Educational Foundation, the over-the-counter medicine industry's consumer-focused nonprofit foundation. The mission of the foundation is to help families safely and effectively use OTC medicines.
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