Monday, March 7, 2011

Woman Uses eBay to Sell Sexy Photos Plus Ex-Boyfriend's Clothes


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Scorned Woman Takes to eBay for Revenge

March 7, 2011

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Hell hath no fury like a woman on eBay.  A Florida woman is selling her ex-boyfriend’s clothes on eBay after she discovered he was cheating on her.

But this revenge auction has a twist.  She’s posing in the clothes nearly nude.  Each buyer is promised a personal thank you note and a previously unseen photo. (Video: WFXT)
The woman, known only as “Taylor” tells The New York Post...

“‘It’s not about being vindictive...Maybe initially I was getting back at him, but now I don't feel that way. It's fun. I find this all to be very therapeutic, very liberating.’”

A blogger for the Village Voice says- forget bawling your eyes out and talking about your feelings- this could be the modern break-up therapy.

“...the 2011 way, to get over a guy? Take sexy photos of yourself auctioning off your dirty ex's stuff... Everyone will admire your gumption, your finance smarts, and also your fine physique! It's a win-win.”

And while Taylor says she’s been getting a positive reaction from women- a relationship expert tells Washington D.C.’s WJLA- this isn’t normal.

“I don’t think she’s one step away from boiling a bunny or anything but it’s crazy, extreme behavior.”

CNN spoke with a psychologist who suggests women financially supporting men could be the real issue.

Psychologist: “She bought him all this stuff and basically supported him for five years and now she’s complaining that he was cheating on her.  Let’s go back to that other segment.  Girls, you gotta make sure he’s got an income and a house before you do all that other stuff.”

But an anchor for WFXT in Boston had another concern.

Male Anchor: “Hopefully his new lady is buying him some new clothes.”
Female Anchor:  “Because he is nude.”
Male Anchor: “Yeah.”

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