Thursday, April 28, 2011

Donald Trump Closet Democrat: Rand Paul Demands To See Trump’s Republican Credentials


Rand Paul Demands To See “Original Long Form Certificate” Of Trump’s Republican Credentials

Steve Watson
April 28, 2011

In a cleverly worded dig at the current circus sideshow birther revival, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul today called for Donald Trump to prove he has any Republican credentials whatsoever as his father Congressman Ron Paul prepares to run for the GOP nomination in 2012.
In light of the revelation that Trump has regularly contributed to the campaigns of leading Democrats such as Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada, Paul raised the question, why should Republicans even consider Trump as a potential presidential candidate?
“I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Paul told the Merrimack County Republican Committee in Concord this morning.
“I want to see the original long-form certificate of Donald Trump’s Republican registration.”
“Seriously, don’t you think we need to see that?” Paul said as laughter and applause broke out throughout the room.
“I’m going to believe it when I see his embossed seal to his Republican registration,” Paul added.
“The serious part of what I was saying was that it’s going to be hard for him to explain giving $4,800 to Harry Reid in the last cycle and giving $24,000 to Charlie Rangel,” the Senator later explained, urging party members to look to potential 2012 candidates “who not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.”
Trump has been parading around for weeks now talking about very little other than Barack Obama’s birth certificate, even taking full credit for yesterday’s bizarre decision on behalf of the White House to release another version of Obama’s short form certificate of live birth and have the president address the nation about it.
Congressman Ron Paul, despite his decades of political experience and current positions on multiple House committees, is routinely lumped into the “fringe” category by the corporate media alongside Trump.

While Trump has done nothing other than make a great deal of pointless noise, Ron Paul has appeared on TV and in print practically every day for the past six months urgently addressing the very real issues of a collapsing economy, rampant military spending and deepening involvement in illegal foreign occupations.

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