Thursday, June 2, 2011

IS THE NOISE BUGGING YOU YET ? VIDEO ADDED - UPDATED: Large Numbers 13 Year Cicadas Have Hatched in Gasconade County Missouri

June 1, 2011
With the warmer weather the noisy cicadas have hatched here in Gasconade County!!!

The cicadas that emerge together in the same year are collectively called a brood. This map identifies the approximate locations of Brood XIX. This Brood emerges in 13-year cycles. 

Future Brood XIX Emergences: 2011, 2024, 2037, 2050, 2063, 2076


17 Year Cicada Link Emergence Due in 2014

The Missouri Department of Conservation is warning Missourians to be prepared for a noisy spring. Insects known as periodical cicadas are expected to begin coming out of the ground in May and June. While these insects will only stick around a few weeks, their presence can be quite annoying.

The periodical cicadas, which only appear every 13 or 17 years, are easily identified by their loud "singing"; the males use drum-like structures called tymbals to attract females, according to the Conservation Department.

The insects do not harm humans, but can damage young trees. They can also be an annoyance due to their incessant noise. In fact, the Conservation Department warns their numbers could be so large this year people planning outdoor weddings in May or June may want to move festivities inside.

Periodical cicadas are different from the familiar annual cicadas, also called “dog-day cicadas,” which emerge from the ground every year and make their droning noise during the heat of late summer, according to the Conservation Dept.

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