Monday, May 23, 2011

Utah Now Accepts Gold and Silver as Currency

Utah Becomes First State in the Union to Accept Gold and Silver as Currency
by Mark Schumacher

It had to happen sooner or later, the American public is starting to get damn tired of what the idiots in Washington have done to the American dollar. No longer will Utah be accepting the fiat dollar as the only currency. The unconstitutional way in which the United States Federal Reserve has been used as Washington’s personal piggy bank, has caused the people of Utah to re-think gold and silver as a currency option. The new law will also make the sale coins exempt from any state capital gains taxes. Additionally, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Montana, Virginia, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, Washington, Missouri, Colorado and Idaho also are headed towards using the constitutional gold and silver currency. Ron Paul explains the dying dollar below:


The United States hasn’t seen this happen in over 80 years. According to Forbes magazine, Utah is one of the best managed states in the union, and returning to gold and silver as currency, could help them stay that way.
For those who do not believe that the U.S. dollar may be in trouble, please consider the following: according to The China Daily, China and Russia have used a number of currencies in the past, but especially U S Dollars for “bilateral trades”. However according to a report in The China Daily in November 2010, “China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade”. The formal announcement was made by Premier Wen Jiabao and Russian Vladimir Putin.

In addition, Russia has also been reaching out to Europe. In Putin’s appearance in front of top German industrialists at a business forum in Berlin, he called for closer economic ties between Russia and the European Union. In his speech he outlined his vision for the future and his desire to create a Free European – Russian Trade Zone. However, the most critical part of his speech came when he showed what his true intentions may be towards the U.S. In his speech Putin said, that the “Euro is slightly fluctuating, but as a whole it’s a good , stable world currency that should take its rightful position as the world reserve currency. I think over the last 10 years there has been one wrong aspect that we should definitely eliminate. It’s the excessive monopoly of the dollar as the sole world reserve currency. This is certainly something negative.”
There are big changes coming to America, and it’s still unclear exactly how all of this will finally end up, but one thing is clear, the insanity of the Washington caving into the corruption of the corporate mafia has caused the American people to re-think, how it intends to move forward. With any luck, this alternative might just return this country to some sanity. The Utah Sound Money Act could be the start of something in the right direction for a change.
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