Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Downgraded to 3.9 - UPDATE: AUDIO OF NATIONAL RADIO COVERAGE MOMENTS AFTER QUAKE: ADDED: 4.2 Magnitude Missouri Earthquake Rattles Franklin, Gasconade County Area 3:10 AM JUNE 7, 2011: FELT IN HERMANN

Light earthquake rattles St. Louis region
June 8, 2011

ST. LOUIS • A light earthquake rattled the St. Louis region early Tuesday.
The quake, which hit at 3:10 a.m. Tuesday, was a magnitude 3.9 temblor, according to scientists examining data at the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo..
"A lot of people felt it, but we're not talking about damage," said Don Blakeman, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. "It was pretty short duration."
The city closest to the epicenter is Richwoods, six miles northeast of the quake center.
No damage was reported. About 2,600 people logged onto the Geological Survey's website to report having felt the quake. Most said it was very subtle shaking or swaying. Several hundred people from the St. Louis metro area's zip codes reported the quake as having the intensity of subtle shaking.
The shaking lasted several seconds. Some said three or five seconds; others claimed it lasted about 30 seconds, although Blakeman said the fear a quake produces likely caused those people to exaggerate.
Mary Morgan, 52, of Bonne Terre, said she woke up to the shaking. She said she thinks she is more sensitive to the tremors because she is deaf. Morgan's house is on a hill, and she said she was reluctant to go back to bed.
"If that was an earthquake, do I dare go back to sleep?" she said. "The shaking lasted 30 seconds to a minute. It was a constant rumbling."
In some areas, such as in Potosi, some reported a more intense shaking. It was felt indoors by many people who reported dishes, windows and doors rattling, and the walls making a cracking sound.
Brad Barton, director of the Washington County 911 service, said police dispatchers got calls from about 30 people right after the earthquake.
"A few thought it was an explosion," Barton said.
Barton drove around the county near the epicenter to look for damage. He was looking for anything out of the ordinary — leaning utility poles or cracks in the concrete at low-water crossings — but found nothing amiss, he said.
A handful of reports came in from people in the Illinois communities of Belleville, Red Bud, Granite City and Caseyville who said they felt it. A few people as far away as Kentucky, Ohio and Alabama also reported feeling the swaying from the earthquake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake hazards program.
It apparently occurred in what's called the Ozark dome region outside the New Madrid zone.
Blakeman said the earthquake was shallow, at least by earthquake standards, at three miles deep. He said it's unclear which fault it was on; he added that authorities might never be able to pinpoint which fault.
The American Red Cross took the quake as an opportunity to remind people to have a plan in case of a disaster.
The Red Cross suggests people put together an emergency preparedness kit that is portable and stored in a water-resistant container. The kit should have enough supplies for three days. If you already have a kit, check to see that nothing has expired.
The kit should include a first-aid kit; essential medications; canned food and a can opener; at least three gallons of water per person; protective clothing; bedding or sleeping bags; a battery-powered radio; and a flashlight with extra batteries. The kit also should include written instructions for how to turn off gas, electricity and water if authorities say it should be done.
The American Red Cross said everyone should also have an earthquake plan. Know the safe place in every room where you can seek shelter, such as beneath a sturdy table or desk or against an inside wall where nothing can fall on you. Teach children to drop, cover, and hold on.
For more information on earthquake preparedness, contact the St. Louis Area Chapter of the American Red Cross at 314-516-2800 or go to the agency's website at

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You may felt a rattle in Hermann at 3:10 AM, Tuesday, that is if you were awake!!!

An earthquake with an epicenter near Sullivan, MO rattled the local area at around 3:10 a.m. on Tuesday.
The National Weather Service estimated the magnitude of the quake, which lasted several several seconds, to be 4.2 on the Richter scale. The quake's epicenter was located approximately 14 miles southeast of Sullivan and 30 miles south of Washington.
Residents in St. Charles and Chesterfield reported feeling the quake, as well as those as far away as Potosi, Farmington and Columbia, MO.

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