Tuesday, June 7, 2011

UPDATE: IT'S NOT THERE!!! Cosmic Ray Glitch: Science once again kills our dreams...lol - Bio Space Station On Mars: American Armchair Astronomer Claims he Found Evidence on Google Earth's Mars explorer WEB VIRAL VIDEO

Science once again kills our dreams, claiming 'Bio Station Alpha' is cosmic ray glitch

  • Man spots "building on Mars"
  • Science says no
  • It's all about cosmic rays
WELL, that was fun while it lasted.
Science has come galloping up wagging its finger and telling us all to stop believing, because it already knows what "Bio Station Alpha" is.
For those that believe US amateur astronomer David Martines, Bio Station Alpha is some kind of building on Mars made up of cylinders and appears to be painted red, white and blue.
He saw it on Google Earth's Mars explorer and his video of the discovery is about to hit the one million mark on YouTube.
The object, according to Mr Martines, is "about 700 feet long and 150 feet wide".
"It's very unusual in that it's quite large," he said yesterday.
"It could be a power station or it could be a biological containment or it could be a glorified garage. I hope it's not a weapon."
According to a planetary geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Lab at the University of Arizona, it isn't.
Alfred McEwen, who is also the director of the Planetary Imaging Research Laboratory and therefore should know a bit about this type of thing, says it's a — wait for it — glitch.
"It looks like a linear streak artifact produced by a cosmic ray," he told Space.com, probably somewhat gleefully.
Cosmic energy from the stars can interfere with a camera's image sensor, depositing electric charges in pixels. If it hits at the right angle, it can affect several pixels in a row, forming a bright streak.
When it's converted to a JPEG, it smears out and looks pixellated.
Kind of like "cylinders".
Ah. Boo.
But if you want to get angry at someone, save it for Google. According to Mr McEwen, they should know this and identify the source of such images — which could come from any number of orbiters or telescopes — for the rest of us trying to solve the mysteries of the universe.
"I can't tell whether this image was taken by Viking or what," he told Space.com.
"The people at Google need to document what the heck they're doing."

Is Bio Station Alpha proof of life on Mars?
June 06, 2011

 AN American armchair astronomer claims he has found evidence of, well, something on Mars.
David Martines' YouTube video is heading for viral status after he uploaded a flyby of Google Earth's Mars explorer zooming in on a white, cylindrical shaped object.
The object, according to Mr Martines, is "about 700 feet long and 150 feet wide".
He's calling it "Bio Station Alpha, because I'm just assuming that something lives in it or has lived in it".
"It's very unusual in that it's quite large, it's over 700 feet long and 150 feet wide, it looks like it's a cylinder or made up of cylinders," he says.
"It could be a power station or it could be a biological containment or it could be a glorified garage - hope it's not a weapon.

"Whoever put it up there had a purpose I'm sure. I couldn't imagine what the purpose was. I couldn't imagine why anybody would want to live on Mars."
But who's responsible? Mr Marines says it's unlikely to be NASA.
"I don't know if they could pull off such a project without all the people seeing all the material going up there," he says.
"I sort of doubt NASA has anything to do with this. I don't know if NASA even knows about this."
Mr Martines is seeking help finding a higher resolution image, if it exists.
He claims the coordinates of Bio Station Alpha are 71 49'19.73"N 29 33'06.53"W and that anyone who has downloaded the Google Earth software can see it.
Sceptics are lining up to shoot down Mr Martines' theory, which has been likened to the infamous "Face on Mars" hysteria, which turned out to be an unusual angle of a rock formation.
The first of the Bio Station Mars parodies have also already hit YouTube, starting with Ski Station Beta

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