Thursday, April 28, 2011



Economic growth slows, inflation surges

By Lucia Mutikani

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Economic growth braked sharply in the first quarter as higher food and gasoline prices dampened consumer spending and sent inflation rising at its fastest pace in 2-1/2 years.
Another report on Thursday showed a surprise jump in the number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits last week, which could cast a shadow on expectations for a significant pick-up in output in the second quarter.
Growth in gross domestic product slowed to a 1.8 percent annual rate after a 3.1 percent fourth-quarter pace, the Commerce Department said. Economists had expected a 2 percent pace.
With much of the pull back traced back to sharp cuts in defense spending and harsh winter weather, analysts were hopeful the economy would regain speed in the second quarter. The drop in defense spending was seen as temporary.
"Growth was disappointing given the momentum of the economy heading into the year. We are still of the belief that the economy will improve out of the soft patch through this quarter into the second half of the year," said Brian Levitt, an economist at OppenheimerFunds in New York.
Economists were encouraged that details of the report, in particular consumer spending and business outlays on software and equipment, were not as weak as they had feared and said this suggested a foundation for stronger growth was in place.
Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity.
While a 25,000 rise in claims for state jobless benefits to 429,000 last week hinted at some weakening in the labor market, analysts cautioned against reading too much into gain. They said severe weather in some parts of the country and the Easter holiday could have distorted the figure.
Still, the data suggested improvements in the labor market were still only coming grudgingly.
"The underlying downtrend in initial claims that had been in place since late last year has flattened out," said Omair Sharif, an economist at RBS in Stamford, Connecticut. But he added: "It seems a little too early to suggest that the underlying pace of layoffs has picked up."
Hiring accelerated in March and a report next week is expected to show job creation remained relatively robust in April.
Prices for U.S. government debt rose after the data, while stocks edged lower. The weak GDP report and the Federal Reserve's stated commitment to a loose monetary policy stance after a two-day meeting on Wednesday kept the dollar near a three-year low against a basket of currencies.
The Fed on Wednesday trimmed its growth estimate for 2011 to between 3.1 and 3.3 percent from a 3.4 to 3.9 percent January projection.
Some economists felt the U.S. central bank's estimates might be a little optimistic, given the poor start to the year even though most agreed growth would soon strengthen.
Optimism the economy would find a firmer footing in the second quarter was bolstered by a report showing pending sales of previously owned homes rose 5.1 percent in March. Housing is struggling to recover and is one of the headwinds facing the economy.
Growth in the first quarter was curtailed by a sharp pull back in consumer spending, which expanded at a rate of 2.7 percent after a strong 4 percent rise in the fourth quarter.
Rising commodity prices meant consumers had less money to spend on other items. Gasoline prices remain a concern, even though they are expected to stabilize somewhat.
The GDP report underscored the pain that strong food and gasoline prices are inflicting on households.
A inflation gauge contained in the report rose at a 3.8 percent rate -- the fastest pace since the third quarter of 2008 -- after increasing 1.7 percent in the fourth quarter.
A core price gauge, which excludes food and energy costs, accelerated to a 1.5 percent rate -- the fastest since the fourth quarter of 2009 -- from 0.4 percent in the fourth quarter. The core gauge is closely watched by Fed officials, who would like to see it closer to 2 percent.
In the first quarter, restocking by businesses picked up, with inventories increasing $43.8 billion after a $16.2 billion rise in the fourth quarter. However, the buildup was less than economists had expected and some said they looked for further inventory building to bolster growth in the second quarter.
Inventories added 0.93 percentage point to first-quarter GDP growth. Excluding inventories, the economy grew at a pedestrian 0.8 percent pace after a brisk 6.7 percent rate in the fourth quarter.
Business spending on equipment and software gained pace, but government spending suffered its deepest contraction since the fourth quarter of 1983.
Home building made no contribution, while investment in nonresidential structures dropped at its quickest pace since the fourth quarter of 2009, likely the result of bad weather.

FIRST EVER: Federal Reserve Press Conference Since US Coup d'etat of 1913


Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US — Ron Paul: "Bernanke Is The Greatest Counterfeiter In The History Of The World"... "Oh yes, he deserves the honor but for a completely different reason. I find that Bernanke is the greatest counterfeiter in the history of the world. He has created new dollars out of thin air more than anybody else, and we happen to have the reserve currency of the world. So he was a participant in the grand bubble. He's responsible for the crash. He didn't save us, this thing isn't even over yet. So I don't see him as being a savior. He's the participant and he is a counterfeiter. And for this reason he is the most powerful man in the world; he is more powerful than the president."

The US Coup d'etat (1913)

Silently, and carefully hidden from public scrutiny, a coup d'état occurred in 1913 in the United States of America. The results of this bloodless coup are being felt today on a truly global scale. With careful, detailed planning, representatives of the most powerful financial institutions in both Europe and the United States succeeded through the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act (also known as the Glass-Owen bill) in radically and permanently altering the foundations of the nation as a whole.

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Donald Trump Closet Democrat: Rand Paul Demands To See Trump’s Republican Credentials


Rand Paul Demands To See “Original Long Form Certificate” Of Trump’s Republican Credentials

Steve Watson
April 28, 2011

In a cleverly worded dig at the current circus sideshow birther revival, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul today called for Donald Trump to prove he has any Republican credentials whatsoever as his father Congressman Ron Paul prepares to run for the GOP nomination in 2012.
In light of the revelation that Trump has regularly contributed to the campaigns of leading Democrats such as Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada, Paul raised the question, why should Republicans even consider Trump as a potential presidential candidate?
“I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Paul told the Merrimack County Republican Committee in Concord this morning.
“I want to see the original long-form certificate of Donald Trump’s Republican registration.”
“Seriously, don’t you think we need to see that?” Paul said as laughter and applause broke out throughout the room.
“I’m going to believe it when I see his embossed seal to his Republican registration,” Paul added.
“The serious part of what I was saying was that it’s going to be hard for him to explain giving $4,800 to Harry Reid in the last cycle and giving $24,000 to Charlie Rangel,” the Senator later explained, urging party members to look to potential 2012 candidates “who not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.”
Trump has been parading around for weeks now talking about very little other than Barack Obama’s birth certificate, even taking full credit for yesterday’s bizarre decision on behalf of the White House to release another version of Obama’s short form certificate of live birth and have the president address the nation about it.
Congressman Ron Paul, despite his decades of political experience and current positions on multiple House committees, is routinely lumped into the “fringe” category by the corporate media alongside Trump.

While Trump has done nothing other than make a great deal of pointless noise, Ron Paul has appeared on TV and in print practically every day for the past six months urgently addressing the very real issues of a collapsing economy, rampant military spending and deepening involvement in illegal foreign occupations.

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St. Louis to Morrison, Mo: Union Pacific Invests $ 29 Million for New Tracks


Union Pacific: $29M for new St. Louis tracks

April 27, 2011

Union Pacific Railroad is investing nearly $29 million for improvements to its rail line from St. Louis to Morrison, Mo.
The company plans to install more than 52 miles of new rail, replace the surfaces at 54 road crossings, and upgrade more than one mile of rail in various curves. Crews also will replace five switches — the devices that move a train from one track to another.
Morrison is about 100 miles west of St. Louis and 15 miles west of Hermann, Mo., near the Missouri River in Gasconade County.
Union Pacific Corp.’s principal operating company, Union Pacific Railroad, links 23 states in the western two-thirds of the country. Omaha, Neb.-based Union Pacific (NYSE: UNP) plans to spend about $3.2 billion in 2011 to improve the railroad's 32,000-mile network.


RELATED STORY LINK:  Steam Locomotive Heading to Hermann Missouri, Union Pacific Little Rock Express, Steam Locomotive No. 844
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West Alabama Violent Tornado Leaves Path of Destruction RAW VIDEO

VIDEO: Tuscaloosa, Alabama Massive Tornado On the Ground Amateur storm chaser in town April 27, 2011.


AFTERMATH: Accounts of the Tuscaloosa tornado

At least 32 people are dead and more than 400 injured in the wake of a devastating tornado that hit the city late Wednesday afternoon, destroying thousands of homes, businesses and other structures.


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TSA Sexually Molested Miss USA, 2003 Beauty Queen Files Complaint - America Land of the Sheeple


Miss USA Sexually Molested by TSA

Kurt Nimmo
April 27, 2011

In the video below, the former beauty queen who held the Miss America title in 2003, Susie Castillo, says a TSA “screener” fondled her vagina during an intrusive pat-down.
Miss USA Susie Castillo Sexually Assaulted TSA Style

Actress, Miss USA, television personality Susie Castillo on her experience getting groped by the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL TSA. More people need to COME FORWARD to abolish this useless public molestation/humiliation. THE BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN.

From Susie's BLOG:

Dear Friends,

To be quite honest, I almost didn't post this video and blog because I kept asking myself, "Am I just being a baby?" I'm also not one to stir up controversy. In fact, I do my best to live a very positive and healthy life. However, in the situation I'm about to describe, I felt truly violated and believe I should let my voice be heard. Ultimately, I hope others will do the same. Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." So, that's what I'm doing by sharing this experience:

On my flight back to Los Angeles last week after hosting the red carpet premiere for "Fast Five" in Rio De Janeiro, I connected in Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) where I had the misfortune of being selected to go through one of those full body scanners that emits radiation. Now, if you don't fly very often, you might not worry about it. But I'm a frequent flyer and don't wish to be irradiated more than I already am on flights (we get a pretty large dose of radiation while flying due to our proximity to the sun; the longer your flight, the more your radiation exposure) and in life in general (we're exposed to radiation all day every day; it's called "background radiation"). So I will always "opt out" of going through these body scanners, especially since the long-term effects of radiation are quite well documented: it mutates our cells, often in irreversible ways, and causes cancer. I'm all set with that!

Anyway, after "opting out," I proceeded to follow a very nice older female TSA employee to the "pat down" area. It was an inconvenience, but I thought, "No biggie. I just went through this at LAX for the first time and it wasn't too bad, so let's just get it over with."

Well, this pat down was completely different. It was MUCH MORE invasive than my first one at LAX, just a week before. To say that I felt invaded is an understatement. What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there. Was I at my gynecologist's office? No! This was crazy!

I felt completely helpless and violated during the entire process (in fact, I still do), so I became extremely upset. If I wanted to get back to Los Angeles, I had no choice but to be violated, whether by radiation or a stranger. I just kept thinking, "What have I done to deserve this treatment as an upstanding, law-abiding American citizen?" Am I a threat to US security? I was Miss USA, for Pete's sake!

Besides, is this procedure really protecting us? I remember hearing about an Al Qaeda terrorist successfully evading security detection by placing a bomb in his rectum. All in an attempt to assassinate Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef. So what if that happened in the US? Would we then be subjected to random rectal exams in addition to x-rays and being groped by strangers? How far is this going to go? More specifically, how far will WE let this go? As they say, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. I think it's time to stand up for our personal liberty.

As a frequent flyer, I knew getting a "pat down" was inevitable, but I never expected it to make me so upset. When it was over, I grabbed my things, walked over to my husband who was waiting for me, and was completely overcome with emotion.

I have never felt more violated in my life than I did that morning at DFW, and I've heard of others feeling the same way after these "pat downs." Just a couple weeks ago, a video of a six-year-old girl being patted down by TSA made headlines. Talk about unjust and unacceptable. So I decided to speak to a TSA supervisor about how I felt, and make a video about what happened to post on my blog.

This "pat down" is a total violation of our rights (we shouldn't be searched this way without probable cause or a search warrant), therefore I will be filing a complaint via phone, online and also in writing with the TSA to complain each and every time for as long as the TSA is violating my rights.

Here's the video I made right after going through the invasive, unjust, unconstitutional and ineffective "pat down." Honestly, I don't like that I'm putting myself out there like this, --snip-

GOOGLE: The Official Website of Susie Castillo - BLOG - My TSA Pat Down



Ms. Castillo was subjected to the groping after she refused to enter a naked body scanner at the airport in Dallas, Texas.
In late 2010, the TSA put in place new procedure guidelines instructing agents to use their “palms and fingers” to “probe” airline customer bodies for hidden weapons, including breasts and other private parts.
On April 15, CNN reported that people who complain about naked body scanners and intrusive airport pat-downs will be investigated as terrorists and criminals.
Lawmakers around the country have introduced legislation designed to rollback the pat-downs after the public and airline employees voiced complaints. In March, legislation was introduced into the Texas House of Representatives directly challenging the authority of the TSA in airports within the state and specifically aimed at criminalizing the use of naked body scanners and enhanced pat-downs.
In November of 2010, chief deputy DA and incoming DA of San Mateo County Steve Wagstaffe told the Alex Jones Show his office will prosecute TSA employees who engage in lewd and lascivious behavior while conducting pat-downs at the San Francisco International Airport. Wagstaffe told Alex Jones that county police will be sent into the San Francisco International Airport. If they witness TSA employees engaged in criminal conduct, they will make arrests and the DA’s office will prosecute.
In January, former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura launched a lawsuit against the TSA for subjecting him to humiliating pat-downs as he traveled for his work as the host of the popular TruTV show Conspiracy Theory. Ventura said that he would “no longer be forced by the TSA to prove he is not a criminal or terrorist.”
Earlier this week, Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security, said the TSA had the authority to conduct an intrusive pat-down on a six year old girl. “Parts of the pat down, in another setting, clearly constituted the kind of inappropriate touching that, if done by anyone else, would have resulted in charges of child abuse and sexual assault. The pat down even caused the little girl to cry, her parents later said in televised interviews,” writes J. D. Heyes.

Castillo is currently a spokeswoman for Neutrogena and has appeared on a number of television shows, including the ABC Family reality television series, America’s Prom Queen.

She also held the title of Miss Massachusetts Teen USA in 1998.

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Sony Stock Tumbles Hackers Stole Names, Addresses, Credit Card Info from 77 Million Users


Sony faces global legal action over breach; shares fall

By Nathan Layne and Tom Hals  
April 28, 2011

OKYO/WILMINGTON, Delaware (Reuters) – Sony Corp could face legal action across the globe after it belatedly disclosed a security breach of its popular PlayStation Network, infuriating gamers and sending the firm's shares down 5 percent in Tokyo on Thursday.
Sony shut down the network on April 19 after discovering the breach, one of the biggest online data infiltrations ever, but did not tell the public about the theft until Tuesday.
In the United States, several members of Congress seized on the breach, in which hackers stole names, addresses and possibly credit card details from 77 million users. One U.S. law firm filed a lawsuit in California on behalf of consumers.
"Gamers are angry that Sony's CEO hasn't come out to explain the situation and investors are disappointed over the company's corporate governance," said Michael Wang, manager of overseas funds at Prudential Financials in Taipei, which owns shares in Sony.
Sony's PlayStation Network, a service that produces an estimated $500 million in annual revenues, provides access to online games, movies and TV shows. Nine out of 10 of PlayStation's users are based in the United States or Europe.
Gamers could ditch Sony and analysts said people looking to buy a video game console could steer toward Microsoft Corp's Xbox, which has its own popular online network.
"I am outraged that my personal information may have been accessed by hackers," said Rich Chiang, a PlayStation and Xbox user in Shanghai.
Security experts said Sony would need to account for the loss of business -- as well as damage to its brand -- when it tallies up the cost. Other costs include notifying customers of the attack and bringing in experts to cleanse its network.
Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute, said the theft could cost Sony more than $1.5 billion, or an average of $20 for each of the 77 million customers whose data was potentially compromised. Poneman's firm specializes in securing information on computer networks.
Sony said the delay in notifying the public was needed to conduct a forensic investigation but it is fast becoming a public relations nightmare akin to Toyota Motor's bungled response to a giant vehicle recall last year, fuelling criticism of corporate Japan's standards of disclosure.
Neither Sony CEO Howard Stringer nor Kazuo Hirai, who was appointed to the company's No. 2 position last month after building up Sony's networked services, have commented publicly.
Sony shares closed down 4.5 percent after falling more than 5 percent at one stage, while the broad market rose 1.6 percent. The stock has now lost more than 8 percent this week.
Some fund managers said the impact might be contained.
"Shares of Sony have already reached the low since the earthquake so I think further downside is limited. Investors who buy Sony are buying on its growth in PlayStation. Gamers usually will not stop playing just because a single incident," said Prudential Financial's Wang.
In the United States, attorneys general, who act as consumer advocates, had begun investigating the matter or reviewing it with staff in several states, including in Iowa, Connecticut, Florida and Massachusetts, according to their offices.
U.S. regulators could get involved as well. The Federal Trade Commission has been known to pursue companies that failed to safeguard consumer data. It could investigate if it determines Sony failed to tell its customers about the company's privacy policies.
A spokeswoman for the agency declined to comment.
Sony reported the breach to the FBI's cybercrimes unit in San Diego, which is investigating, a person familiar with the probe told Reuters. The person was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
Late on Wednesday, Rothken Law Firm filed a lawsuit on behalf of an individual plaintiff named Kristopher Johns against Sony in the Northern District of California court.
"This suit seeks to redress Sony's failure to adequately provide service to PlayStation consoles and PlayStation Network," the lawyers for the plaintiff said in a court filing.
The plaintiff has requested the court to certify this case as a class action and has also sought unspecified monetary damages, according to the filing.
Sony did not return a call in the United States seeking comment.
In Britain, a government watchdog has launched an investigation of the incident.
Britain's Information Commissioner's Office said it had contacted Sony and was investigating whether it violated laws that require it to safeguard personal information. The commissioner's investigation would depend in part on whether Sony stored user information in Britain.
Indeed, Sony may come under the toughest scrutiny from non-U.S. regulators, which have stricter consumer privacy laws.
"European countries are going to go crazy and be all over this," said Dan Burk, a professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. "They are absolutely obsessed about companies holding personal information." (Writing by Anshuman Daga, Editing by Dean Yates)

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Americans Say No Government ID for Online Security, 60 Percent Reject Obama Idea, Rasmussen Poll


Poll: 60% Reject Government ID for Online Security

Cape Fear Business News
April 27, 2011

In an effort to enhance online security and privacy, the Obama administration has proposed Americans obtain a single ID for all Internet sales and banking activity. But a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds most Americans want nothing to do with such an ID if the government is the one to issue it and hold the information.
The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 13% of American Adults favor the issuing of a secure government credential to replace all traditional password protection systems for online sales and banking activities. Sixty percent (60%) oppose such a credential. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure.
Only eight percent (8%) of Americans would be willing to submit their personal financial and purchasing information to the government or a government contractor to receive a secure government credential for online transactions. Seventy-six percent (76%) would not be willing to submit this information for that purpose. Sixteen percent (16%) are undecided.
Aware of concerns that have been raised in the past about a national ID card, the administration appears to be downplaying the government role in the process but is clearly encouraging the development of a single personal credential to limit the security risks from multiple – and more easily hacked – passwords.  Unclear is the role that the Department of Homeland Security, a key mover behind the single credential, will play in the future.
Most adults across virtually all demographic categories oppose the issuance of a single secure government credential for online purposes.
Seventy percent (70%) of Republicans and 65% of adults not affiliated with either major party oppose such a credential. Among Democrats, however, 19% like the idea, 45% oppose it, and 36% are undecided.
But even 64% of Democrats draw the line at providing their financial and purchasing information to the government or a government-designated contractor. Republicans (87%) and unaffiliated adults (79%) are even more adamantly opposed.
Government employees aren’t much more thrilled with the idea than those who work for private companies.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans are at least somewhat confident in the security of online transactions and banking, including 17% who are Very Confident.
Eighteen percent (18%) of Americans with at least one credit card say they have had credit card information stolen online.  But voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda.
The latest findings echo suspicions Americans have voiced about the federal government in the past. In fact, 69% of Likely U.S. Voters remain at least somewhat angry with the current policies of the federal government, up slightly from 65% last August.
Most Americans trust the decisions made by business leaders more than those made by government officials when it comes to the economy and the creation of jobs.
Just 28% of voters believe the federal government today has the consent of the governed.

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Obama Releases Politically Correct Birth Certificate

 In 1961 people of African decent were described under race as Negro or Black.  It appears Hawaii was politically correct 20 years earlier!!!

Check out the document released by for yourself._________________________________________________________________________

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

Kurt Nimmo
April 28, 2011

Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by Hawaiian authorities today reveals the document is a shoddily contrived hoax. computer specialists dismissed the document as a fraud soon after examining it.
Check out the document released by for yourself.
Upon first inspection, the document appears to be a photocopy taken from state records and printed on official green paper. However, when the government released PDF is taken into the image editing program Adobe Illustrator, we discover a number of separate elements that reveal the document is not a single scan on paper, as one might surmise. Elements are place in layers or editing boxes over the scan and green textured paper, which is to say the least unusual.
When sections of the document are enlarged significantly, we discover glaring inconsistencies. For instance, it appears the date stamped on the document has been altered. Moreover, the document contains text, numbers, and lines with suspicious white borders indicating these items were pasted from the original scan and dropped over a background image of green paper.

Let’s assume the state of Hawaii scanned the original document and placed it on the green textured background. This does not explain the broken out or separate elements. There is no logical reason for this to be done unless the government planned to modify the document and make it appear to be something other than it is.
There are two elements of interest, as shown in the image to the above – both entries for the date accepted by the local registry. This appears to have been modified in an image editing program.
The media was quick to dispel the fact the document was modified. “Our analysis of the latest controversy: The original birth certificate was probably in a ‘negative’ form, and someone at the White House took it upon themselves to doctor it up so the form can be readable,” writes Joe Brooks for Wireupdate.
Nathan Goulding, writing for the National Review, tells us anybody can open the White House released PDF in Illustrator and it will break out into layers. “I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home,” he writes.
Indeed, but this does not answer the question why in the Obama birth certificate PDF the layers or elements contain dates – which appear to be modified – and the signature of the state registrar. If the document was acquired from state records in whole, why was in necessary to add elements? Goulding and Brooks do not address this issue.
These layers are also revealed by the White House issued PDF’s hex file in freeware hex editor. Within its code are listed 8 image masks, which if changed from value “true” to “false” turn off and on to reveal the layers as demonstrated in the video and in Illustrator. Whether these represent compression artifacts or other digitizing processes, or whether these masks represent deliberate manipulation remains to be conclusively shown.
<< /Length 17 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 123 /Height 228 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >> << /Length 13 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 199 /Height 778 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 19 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 47 /Height 216 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 15 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 42 /Height 274 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 10 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 1454 /Height 1819
/ImageMask true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 25 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 132 /Height 142 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 23 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 243 /Height 217 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
<< /Length 21 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 34 /Height 70 /ImageMask
true /BitsPerComponent 1 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
As points out, it may prove to be significant that two of the boxes appear over both of the “date accepted” boxes, as well as the “Mother’s occupation box.” Was there a need to tamper with the dates on the document or other areas? The recent stamp date and issuing signature of the state registrar also contain an edited layer.
Questions have also been raised about the number at the top of the document issued by the Department of Health, number 61 10641, as one part of the number is in a separate layer when viewed in Illustrator, as demonstrated in the video above. This may prove to be significant. A long form birth certificate obtained by the Honolulu Star in 2009 from a female born one day after Obama and whose form was accepted three days after Obama’s document contains a Dept. of Health number that is lower, 61 10637. There are others subtle differences, such as the use of “Aug.” for the date rather than “August,” and the use of “Honolulu, Oahu” rather than “Honolulu, Hawaii” (seen also in the 1962 certificate below) which may or may not be significant.
More to the point, this certificate and others, like the one posted below it, have visible seals. No issuing seal can be seen on the document released today by Obama.

Negative of long form birth certificate for Aug. 5, 1961 birth in Honolulu, released in 1966 with seal and dated signatures. Published by Honolulu Star and World Net Daily in 2009.
Long form certificate for Aug. 5, 1961 birth in Honolulu.

Photo of physical copy of long form birth certificate for June 15, 1962 birth in Honolulu, also with visible seal.
Photo of physical copy of long form certificate for June 15, 1962.
Infowars will continue to analyze this issue as more information comes in. It is significant that the Obama Administration was pressured into responding to this controversy, whatever the final analysis of this document. However, the administration still needs to release his other records which have been sealed at great expense. Is there an issue with his being naturalized in Indonesia? Why are his college records at Columbia and Occidental sealed, and what do they contain? Did Obama travel to Pakistan on a foreign passport? These questions and many others have not been properly answered.
Aaron Dykes contributed to this report.

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