Friday, November 12, 2010

Gold & Silver Up...Up...and where to now...Is this the next bubble?

Expert Analyst chime in...




Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion) County's Newspaper of Record)


  1. In the financial markets, timing is everything! Wish I had been prescient enough to liquidate my stock-market-based investments prior to the financial collapse in 2008 and invest at least half of it in commodities, especially gold and silver. A wealthy local man has told me that he likes triple-net leasing for commercial real estate right now.

    Thanks for this article!

  2. Triple-net leasing for commercial real estate, interesting!
    Research, Research, Research...will try to post something informative on the subject!

    Read once--don't recall where--Perhaps Norman Vincent Peale--to become wealthly, surround yourself with such. Today, I think they would replace the word surround with Networking! lol

    Thanks for the tip!!!

