Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Missouri Deer Harvest Up to Date Statistics 2010 - Click Here --


The state Department of Conservation says the number of deer shot this year increased in northern counties but decreased in the south. Officials say there were a lot of acorns in the Ozarks, which meant that deer tended to be less active and remained in the woods. The most deer were checked in Benton, Howell and Macon counties.

Conservation officials say that nine people were injured in firearm related incidents. Of those, eight were self-inflicted. Three people fell from tree stands, and one person died from the fall.

Missouri Deer Harvest Up to Date Statistics 2010 - Click Here

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  1. Hope you didn't bust a gut by eating too much, PR2011! I feel like a beached whale this morning!

    I've given our staff all weekend off, so I will be directing our readers to your site for the best in news of local interest!

    Jimmy Oldsun
    Editor, Hermann Hearsay

  2. OH NO,I ate TOO Much and I can't get up!!! lol
